At the CroSSrOAD
Posted On Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at at 10:17 AM by warriorsofwindToday, I official out of my student classification and fall back to the category of unemployment. I must admit there are difficulties for me finding me what I want. Interviewers being telling me I so good in my previous line that I shouldn’t have attempted a new career.. In fact, many of them were encouraging me back to my old job.. Truth, I listen but it is between the fine line of reality and what I want to achieve in Life.
Life, the simple four letter words but with profound meanings. Wait!! Isn’t this blog about friends & Food, all the good stuffs without any serious note!! Well, got to forgive me since this is my blog. :P
Faith has failed me times to times but are we going to let go? No, the answer is not. Without faith, life would be meaningless with nothing to believe or live on. Looking back, I have three turning points in my life , including the coming now, and be fighting all my fate ever since.
In addition, it needs the will and mental strength to reach a
In the every last, it is also a matter of luck of having good weather etc. That would be translated into THANKFULNESS. Without thankfulness, we tend to attribute our failure to someone or some events. But, thankfulness helps us to see a better light of everything even things do turn sour. The positive energy of thankfulness will transform into good Karma and tends to change our luck into better sense.
In conclusion, before anyone would make a “change”, always assessed these four elements – Financial, Faith, thankfulness with friends, family and loved ones surrounding you. Without any of these, reaching a summit would be nearly impossible. Or it would be fake summit which in fact there is a greater peak rests ahead.
I congratulate all whom have able to achieve their goal and treasure what you have (like enjoying the scenery) before making back to the base camp. :) God Bless..