Christmas Decoration
Posted On Saturday, December 1, 2007 at at 6:41 AM by warriorsofwindThis afternoon, a small helping hand to the Church Christmas decoration has been liked a wind that blown away my dismay for the past few days.
There were about twenty of us. We gathered all the items at the Church hall from the 5th Floor. HweLi, our “Chief Commander”, communicated her ideas and gave instruction on how the decoration should be done. Some of us responsible to saw the wood, some sew the clothes to make a curtain, others started to make little ribbons etc to hang on the wall, while the rest and me were supposed to decorate the Christmas trees - a total of three at different floor level. The task to decorate the Christmas tree was harder than I expected. Discounted the fact of the weight, me and another buddy had to keep shifting the tree of one place to the other. Each of us had different opinions on where the tree should be put. After 4 shifts, we decided to place the tree near to the stage. FengQing taught me on how to make ribbon so to hang it on the tree. It was quite fun and the finishing product was dazzling.. Next, we needed to decorate another Christmas tree at
the ground floor.
Tomorrow is the Standard Chartered Marathon. Now in middle of night, the weather looks cloudy and likely to be rained. I hope not and pray good weather for the Safra runners and “good friend” whom joining in the race. My kneels still in kind of bad shape and wondering if I shall take part as well?????