Sun Festival (Shape of Color) & East Coast Ride

Susposed to meet up with Ka Liang early morning at 5am for a ride around Mandai area and probably joined the joyrider for another long ride to East Coast. However, both of us couldn't be able to get enough sleep and had to cancel the ride. haha.

Went back to the office in the morning to do some work before meet up with Xiaoming and Linda to watch an Abstract Art Exhibition - Shape of Colors at The Art House. Ha.. finally, I had to give up in understanding the oil paintings. I had to admit i had no genes in appreciating fine arts like these. Xiaoming took certain interests in the pieces especially as we were wondering how the artist had created the brush strokes.

Dinner appointment at Jumbo Seafood restaurnat at East Coast was cancelled. Jianxing had contracted skin allegry and was admitted into the hospital. The fulfillment of our 10 years contract(made by all bunch of secondary school classmates) had to be postponed till his recovery.

Instead,I did a fast ride(40km) to East Coast Park. There was quite a heavy traffic along the way. I was irritated by some of the inconsiderate taxi drivers whom drove against my lane to avoid the traffic jam. Around the same time, Adeline had finished her bladding at the park. Met up with her at Carpark D1, and passed her the coke which she ordered (since she didn't bring any money) before resuming my ride. Interestingly,there was a small discovery of miniature battleground field setup next to T3 Cycle for kids to play around with their "remote control" battle tanks.

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