STK Cross Country Run

I was participating as part of the Invitational Team(for my company) for this event. There were 5 of us including Melvin, Andrew... and the rest i couldn't remember their names. It was a short 5km run, which demanded speed and a test of one's Max VO2. I hadn't recovered from my cough yet and the run proved to be strenuous for me.

Andrew was fast and furious!! He had came in first under the invitational team category with Melvin followed behind. During the run, my lung was burning, and grasping desperately for more air. Still, I managed to complete at rank 11, or as third member of the group.

Finally, at the prize ceremony, our team came in second within the Invitational Team Category, and won $150 voucher from Royal Sporting House. Not bad for a day's effort. :)

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